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Difference Between Nofollow and Dofollow Links [2024]

Difference Between Nofollow and Dofollow Links


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a very important role for bloggers. There are numerous terms related to SEO, out of which we are going to discuss about Nofollow and Dofollow links.

It is important to know the difference between dofollow and nofollow links when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). A website’s traffic and search engine ranking are greatly influenced by both types of links.

This article will explain the basic differences between these two types of links. While we are aware of the importance of links for our blogs and websites. It doesn’t matter whether the links are internal or external, they are important. Today we are going to discuss Dofollow and Nofollow links, both of which are very important for SEO.

If you are new into SEO then you are at right place. Here is some important and basic information about backlinks :

Backlinks are those links which redirects users or link to you from other website or blog to your website or website. If you are getting to visit this website by clicking on some button / content / text on some other website, this means that website is giving us backlink. Backlinks are really important for fast indexing and better rankings of your website.

Nofollow links are HTML attributes that instruct search engine crawlers not to follow the linked URL. When a website adds the rel=”nofollow” attribute to a link, it signals search engines like Google and Bing to disregard that link when indexing the page. Consequently, nofollow links do not pass any link equity or “link juice” to the linked webpage.

Rel=”nofollow” Attribute: Nofollow links contain the rel=”nofollow” attribute in their HTML code, which tells search engines not to follow the link.

No Link Juice: Since nofollow links do not transmit link equity, they do not contribute to improving the linked webpage’s search engine rankings.

Use Cases: Nofollow links are commonly used for user-generated content, sponsored content, paid advertisements, and links that website owners wish to distance themselves from, such as untrusted or irrelevant sources.

Attributes: Nofollow links can be manually applied by webmasters or automatically generated by platforms like social media sites, forums, and blog comment sections to deter spam and manipulate search engine rankings.

In contrast to nofollow links, dofollow links do pass link equity from one webpage to another. These links are not explicitly tagged with the rel=”nofollow” attribute, allowing search engine crawlers to follow them and consider them when determining a webpage’s authority and relevance.

No rel=”nofollow” Attribute: Dofollow links lack the rel=”nofollow” attribute, indicating to search engines that they should follow the link and factor it into their ranking algorithms.

Passes Link Juice: Dofollow links pass link equity from the linking webpage to the linked webpage, potentially improving the latter’s search engine rankings and visibility.

Organic and Editorial: Dofollow links are typically earned naturally through high-quality content, genuine relationships, and authoritative references. They serve as endorsements from one website to another, indicating trust and credibility.

SEO Benefits: Dofollow links are instrumental in enhancing a website’s SEO performance, as they contribute to building backlinks, increasing domain authority, and boosting organic traffic.

This table provides a comparison between nofollow and dofollow links, highlighting their differences in terms of definition, HTML code, search engine behavior, SEO impact, anchor text optimization, visibility, and examples of usage.

FeatureNofollow LinksDofollow Links
DefinitionLinks that do not allow search engine bots to pass link juice.Links that allow search engine bots to index and pass link juice.
HTML Code<a href=”” rel=”nofollow”>Link Text</a><a href=””>Link Text</a>
Search EnginesNot crawled or followed by search engine bots.Crawled and followed by search engine bots.
SEO ImpactDoes not directly contribute to SEO rankings.Directly contributes to SEO rankings.
Anchor TextDoes not impact keyword optimization.Can optimize anchor text for keywords.
VisibilityLess likely to be clicked by users.More likely to be clicked by users.
ExampleBlog comments, sponsored content, social media links.Editorial links, natural backlinks from reputable sources.

We generally use a nofollow link when you don’t have enough information about the website you are linking to. Also, if you don’t want to pass link juice to that website, then you cac use nofollow links. Here are some points about where you can use nofollow links :

You can put nofollow links to those websites who has less importance.
If you are linking to low authority websites or gambling, casino, porn, hacking, spamming websites, then you must put it as nofollow link.
If you are linking to any irrelevant website from your content, then put it as nofollow backlink.
When you are putting website link in comments, then put it as nofollow link.
While using affiliate links, make sure that you make them nofollow.
You can also use nofollow links for sponsored or paid ads on your website.

Dofollow links are important for both website and blog. Dofollow links are used when we are allowing link juice to pass. This will let bots follow the link you are redirecting to and it impacts on SEO in positive terms.

Here are some points about where you can use dofollow links :

Use dofollow links when you are redirecting to some high authority websites like wikipedia, google, yahoo, forbes, etc.
Use dofollow links when you are redirecting to relevant website.
Use dofollow tag when you are doing internal linkings.
Use dofollow links when you are linking to genuine / high quality content.


In short, nofollow and dofollow links serve different purposes in SEO. While nofollow links hinder the flow of link juice and are often used for sponsored or untrusted content, dofollow links transcend link equity and play a vital role in improving a website’s search engine ranking and visibility.

Understanding the differences between these two types of links empowers website owners and marketers to design an effective link-building strategy that aligns with their SEO objectives and goals.

  1. What is the difference between nofollow and dofollow links?

    Answer- Nofollow links are hyperlinks with a special HTML tag that tells search engines not to follow or pass PageRank or Link Juice to the linked page. In contrast, dofollow links allow search engines to follow them and pass PageRank or Link juice on to the linked page.
  2. Why are nofollow links used?

    Answer- Nofollow links are often used when a website does not wish to give authority or endorsement to the linked page. This is common for user-generated content such as blog comments, paid advertisements, or sponsored content.
  3. What are the benefits of using dofollow links?

    Answer- Dofollow links are valuable in improving a website’s search engine rankings because they provide authority and PageRank to the linked page. They can help increase a website’s visibility and credibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  4. Are all links on a website either nofollow or dofollow?

    Answer- No, not all links on a website are clearly labeled as nofollow or dofollow. Some links may have nofollow attributes by default, while others may have dofollow attributes unless otherwise specified. Website owners can choose to add the nofollow attribute to specific links as needed.
  5. How can I identify if a link is nofollow or dofollow?

    Answer- You can inspect the HTML code of a webpage to determine whether a link is nofollow or dofollow. To identify a nofollow link, look for the rel=’nofollow attribute in the HTML code of the link. If the link does not have this attribute, it is probably a dofollow link.
  6. Do nofollow links have any SEO value?

    Answer- While nofollow links do not directly pass PageRank to the linked page, they can still contribute to the overall SEO strategy of the website. They can help drive traffic, increase brand visibility, and diversify a website’s backlink profile, which can indirectly impact search engine rankings.
  7. Can I convert a nofollow link to a dofollow link?

    Answer- Whether a link is a nofollow or dofollow is determined by the website owner or webmaster who created the link. If you have control over the linking website, you can convert a nofollow link to a dofollow link by removing the rel=’nofollow attribute from the link’s HTML code. However, this may not always be possible if the website has strict linking policies.

1 Comment

  1. Really informative, thanks for sharing this!

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